Mike Konczal: ‘Given The Myth of Ownership, is the Idea of Redistribution Coherent?’

Mike Konczal: Given The Myth of Ownership, is the Idea of Redistribution Coherent?

Source:Roosevelt Institute writer Mike Konczal.

Source: The New Democrat

“Given that all property rights are a creation of the state, is it possible to refer to ‘redistribution’ without reifying a notion of ‘everyday libertarianism’? I believe so. However, Matt Bruenig, over at our neighbors Demos, disagrees, and is slowly picking off liberal wonks on this topic. Given that I’m likely on the kill list, I might as well play offense…”

From Equitable Growth

About Derik Schneider

I use a picture of John F. Kennedy as my profile pic on social media for as a very good reason: I'm a center-right, John F. Kennedy, Liberal Democrat. The real Liberals who believe in the defense of liberal democracy and the fight against authoritarianism, left-wing or right-wing. But I blog a lot about the Far-Left (or new-left, if you prefer) because I'm very interested in socialism and communism, as well as center-left progressivism, which is the real progressivism.
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