The Globalist: Richard Phillips- ‘Enter Alexandria O. Cortez, Socialist’


Source:The Globalist– U.S. Congress: good luck finding a more unpopular institution 

Source:The New Democrat 

“The word “socialist” is suddenly gaining currency in American politics. After decades of laying dormant, the term briefly reared its ugly head in Bernie Sanders’ run for the US presidency in 2016.

But it quickly disappeared when Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Presidential nomination. Now, however, the word is suddenly experiencing a major renaissance.

In fact, it was used prominently during President Trump’s recent State of the Union speech, turning the word into the GOP’s go-to weapon against Democratic opponents. It is a cudgel with which to beat questioning individuals into blind submission…

From The Globalist

“Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the newest political figure everyone loves or loves to hate. From her ‘Green New Deal’ proposal to combat climate change to her clapbacks against Trump and her critics, here’s how AOC danced her way into the spotlight…

The Globalist_ Richard Phillips- 'Enter Alexandria O_ Cortez, Socialist'From USA Today

Socialism, similar to libertarianism and perhaps conservatism and when I think of conservatism I think of Conservative-Libertarians, but that’s a different discussion, but socialism similar to these other political ideologies have different factions. I get that, I was one of the first people to acknowledge that when I first started blogging ten years ago. So when I think of Socialists, I don’t automatically think of Communists and the Fidel Castro’s of the world or Neo-Communists ( as I call them ) the Nicholas Maduro’s of the world. But when I think of Socialists, I don’t automatically think of Democratic Socialists or Social Democrats, like Swedish or French Socialists. I take each Socialist and socialist faction one by one and look at them individually.


Source:Salon Magazine– U.S. Representative Alexandria O. Cortez, D, New York, self-described Democratic Socialist 

For me if you want to recognized as a Democratic Socialist, you can’t just be in favor of government-run health care and health insurance, as well as a lot of welfare state programs, you also have to be in favor of democracy, free and fair elections that include non-socialist democratic parties and candidates, including conservative parties and candidates, you have to be in favor of a free, fair, and open press, check and balances, limits on executive power, and you have to be against bigotry regardless of where and who it comes from. Not just be against bigotry when it targets non-Europeans and non-Christian religious groups, but antisemitism as well.

In case there is anyone left who doesn’t already know this, but Jews are both ethnic and religious minorities in every country in the world outside of Israel and in most countries their tiny minorities representing 1-2% of the population ( depending on what country you look at ) so when you when you attack Jews simply because they’re Jewish, you’re attacking not just a religious minority, but an ethnic minority as well when you’re outside of Israel. Which is something the Far-Left and not just in America, but in Britain as well doesn’t seem to understand or even care about. Who seem to believe that oppression and bigotry against Palestinians is somehow a horrible thing, but it’s OK when it’s against Jews in and outside of Israel. Why, because Palestinians are Arab and not Jewish, why would that make any difference.

Freshman Representative Alexandria O. Cortez and Representative Ilhan Omar can all themselves Democratic Socialists all they want, but until they come out against antisemitism and the state oppression and authoritarianism of the Socialist Maduro Regime in Venezuela, they’re just Socialists to me. Perhaps even hippie Socialists or hipster Socialists, yuppie Socialists, which are common in both New York and San Francisco, but they’re just Socialists who apparently don’t have issues with bigotry just as long as it targets the rights groups ( according to them ) and don’t have issues with authoritarianism, just as long as it’s left-wing authoritarianism.

If you want to be a Democratic Socialist, you have to remember that Democratic Socialists starts with Democratic which applies at least that you believe in at least some level of democracy and appose authoritarianism regardless of where and who it comes from. And you oppose authoritarianism regardless of who and where it comes from. The same thing with Liberals and liberalism, anyone can call themselves a Liberal, but if you don’t believe in liberal democracy and the individual rights that come from liberal democracy, you’re not very liberal if at all. The same thing with Democratic Socialists and democratic socialism, if you don’t believe in democracy and don’t oppose bigotry in all forms, you’re not much of a Democratic Socialist.

About Derik Schneider

I use a picture of John F. Kennedy as my profile pic on social media for as a very good reason: I'm a center-right, John F. Kennedy, Liberal Democrat. The real Liberals who believe in the defense of liberal democracy and the fight against authoritarianism, left-wing or right-wing. But I blog a lot about the Far-Left (or new-left, if you prefer) because I'm very interested in socialism and communism, as well as center-left progressivism, which is the real progressivism.
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